Practical career advice for recent graduates

04th May 2021

If you have obtained a position already, congratulations. Now it is time to implement everything you have learned in your education. But that might not always be enough to forge the kind of career progression you are looking for.

As most recent graduates are aware, the business market can be highly competitive, and as the new employee at the company, it is easy to get overlooked. So how do you stand out from the rest of the new and eager workforce?

Make yourself valuable

One of the best ways to stand out in your career is to make yourself indispensable. A great way to do this is to observe your direct managers ‘pain points’ and capitalize on them. Making yourself useful in this way demonstrates your ability to help and solve problems. Not to mention adding a ton of value. It gets you positively noticed by your managers. People like people that fix things for them.

Be extra communicative

There is nothing worse as a manager than sending an email or a directive and it falling into an abyss. Managers want people they can rely on so get in the habit of being extra responsive. Acknowledge and reply to emails or requests as soon as possible. It creates a feeling of security and dependability. Not to mention that your boss will always know the work is being done. Pretty soon you will be regarded as a trusted employee rather than just the recent graduate. Good for career progression.

Don’t be high maintenance

No-one is every impressed by the new employee that thinks their career should move forward at full speed. Real advancement is earned and not demanded, so try and remain calm in all situations. Even if something doesn’t suit or seems unfair, try and handle it respectfully and professionally. Your ability to handle tricky encounters or tasks will be noted. As a recent graduate, your career can be influenced drastically by how you conduct yourself.

Design, manage and deliver

Practical applications and projects need to be designed correctly, with definite outcomes, goals, targets, and deliverables. If you can develop these talents early in your career it can move you from recent graduate to a higher position with the company. These skills are the ones that will be used repeatedly in almost any project, so take time to learn and improve them. Being able to draw on them when needed will stand you in good stead. Find a mentor or invest in some training if needed. 

Find your strengths

A new career for recent graduates is a time to discover and develop your skills. This is where you can find your strengths and use them to their fullest. You may discover that presentations are not your forte, but that you excel in motivating people. Or perhaps you are a genius at process implementation. Whatever it is, when you identify where your particular skills lie, take some time to build on them. This may mean reading up on techniques or simply learning from colleagues.

Be a collaborator

Partnering and networking with other recent graduates or colleagues can help your career flourish. It is also a skill that can be used consistently throughout your business dealings both now and in the future. Networking can never be underestimated, and the connections that you make are important. Collaboration and working together tend to drive positive outcomes. Being able to share and exchange ideas or bounce suggestions off your colleagues sparks new opportunities that may not have been thought of previously. Plus it is an excellent chance to learn new approaches to tasks.

Prepare for an increased workload

There will come a time if you have proven yourself worthy, that your workload and responsibilities will increase. As a recent graduate, this move in your career can be both exciting and intimidating. This is a great chance to prove yourself and the trick is to be prepared. Your team and managers will not single you out if they don’t believe you are capable. When the opportunity presents itself, be ready. 

Final words

Finding your place and accelerating your career as a new graduate isn’t always easy, but you will be judged on your professionalism as well as your capability. Follow these tips and set yourself apart from the rest.