How to promote yourself as a freelancer

12th Oct 2023

If you want to enjoy a long and prosperous freelance career, you will need to take several steps to promote yourself. Let’s take a look at some of the most effective strategies you can opt for to promote yourself as a freelancer right now.

Create a professional website

One of the most important steps you need to take if you want to promote your freelance skills is to create a professional website. This will give you credibility and help you attract clients. You can use the website to showcase your portfolio, skills and services. Make sure you include a compelling bio alongside contact information. Optimise the content on your site for search to make it visible and discoverable.

Optimise your social media profiles

It’s best to have a presence on various leading social media platforms. Make sure your branding is consistent across all of your social media profiles. Share your work, add informative and useful content and engage with your followers. Facebook, X, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram are some of the best places for promoting your services.

Join freelance platforms

Create profiles on various popular freelance platforms including People Per Hour, Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr. Complete your profile with relevant information and add a professional photo of yourself. Bid on projects which are a good match for your specific skills and expertise.

Network online

Join online forums, groups and communities that are related to your industry. Showcase your knowledge, offer your help and engage in discussions. It’s very possible you may be able to find work and clients in these environments.

Content marketing

Launch a blog or contribute articles to platforms within your specific niche. You can use the content to send traffic to your site if it is not already published on it.

Email marketing

Email marketing can be very effective when you want to promote your freelance services. Build an email list by offering valuable content or resources. Once you have created the list, you can send out regular updates about your work, new services you’re offering or industry insights.

Offer free workshops or webinars

Another way to promote yourself is to host online workshops or webinars that will allow you to showcase your skills. You can use these events to connect with potential clients and show off your expertise.

Collaborate with others

Collaborating with other freelancers can be very effective. You can expand your reach by promoting each other’s work.

Collect testimonials from satisfied clients

Each time you successfully complete a project for a client, ask for a testimonial. Positive comments from past clients can be highly effective when it comes to attracting new ones. You should feature these testimonials prominently both on your website and other online spaces.

Run paid advertising campaigns

A lot of the promotion you’ll need to carry out can be done for free, but it can take time. One way to create visibility quickly is to run targeted ads on platforms such as Google and Facebook. Set a budget and target your ads carefully to ensure you’re reaching the right people.

Attend networking events

You can also establish a strong presence within your industry by attending conferences, meetups and networking events. Build relationships not only with potential clients but with other freelancers too.

Offer special promotions

From time to time, you may need to lower your rates or win the interest of new clients via offers and discounts. This can be a great step to take if your freelance work starts to dry up. Many clients find themselves going through the ‘feast or famine’ cycle in which they’re either not busy enough or have a very large workload. Offering special rates can help you get through the leaner times.

Utilise word-of-mouth

Make sure your friends, family and acquaintances know about the freelance services that you are offering. Word of mouth can be highly effective and get you connected with clients you didn’t know existed.

Other steps that you can take

Make sure your site is optimised for mobile so it works well on devices like smartphones. You could also consider creating a referral program and encourage past clients to refer others to your services in exchange for incentives. Make the most of analytics tools so can see how people are finding you online. Adjust your strategy when necessary. It’s also a good idea to invest in professional development and invest in further training to gain a bigger edge over your competitors.

As long as you put the effort in, there’s no reason you can’t gain the exposure you need to become a successful freelancer who rarely finds themselves out of work. The more your reputation grows, the more likely it is that people will approach you before you first make contact with them.